Nina Reppich
Tel. +49 151 12 55 76 89
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Order Intake for ELODRY® sewage sludge dryer in the Czech Republic

ELIQUO has received an order for a new ELODRY NT48. Alongside technologies from HST HYDROSYSTÉMY S.R.O and PYREG, the sewage sludge dryer will make an important contribution to the largest sewage sludge carbonization plant in the Czech Republic. In close collaboration with the partners, a turnkey production plant for biochar from sewage sludge is being built. The low-temperature dryer contributes to high energy efficiency throughout the entire sludge treatment process.
The heat energy generated from the gasification process is recovered and used to dry the dewatered sludge. In addition, the optimized process also reduces the number of trucks required to transport the residual material to the incineration plant. As part of the long-term net zero strategy of the wastewater treatment plant in Tabor, the new carbonization plant will significantly reduce CO2 emissions at the wastewater treatment plant. In future, it will produce around 1,100 kg of carbonate per hour. The biochar produced will benefit the environment. It will be used as agricultural fertilizer in the Czech Republic.